Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Article-Guilty verdict in man’s gay sex with teen. "He's a 14-year-old gay boy in the JW church, which does not believe in his lifestyle"
by AndersonsInfo infor your information: .
appeal democrat - yuba city, california .
Coded Logic
You link is not working. Do you have another one you can use? -
Serve Jehovah get everlasting life don't serve get everlasting death
by Brokeback Watchtower injehovah's personality is explosive with no guarantees he won't blow a head gasket and destroy your ass for some petty offense.. i know the jws claim jehovah always keeps his word and once you get to heaven or pass the final test you got guaranteed everlasting life.
but when we look in the bible jehovah seems to kill even his worshipers over trifles, so who is to say that someday he won't get pissed off and destroy the whole human race and start all over again?.
while i don't believe the bible or what the wt corporation teaches about jehovah personality, if what they say is true then i would much rather die than live an eternity under the whims of such a capricious jehovah.. the reward system the bible has promoted is really terrible and not to be grasped at..
Coded Logic
"Now Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took their respective firepans, and after putting fire in them, placed incense on it and offered strange fire before the LORD, which He had not commanded them. 2And fire came out from the presence of the LORD and consumed them, and they died before the LORD." Leviticus 10: 1-2
Nothing like burning people to death for trying to worship him. Sounds like a real nice guy.
When did you realize evolution was true?
by Coded Logic in) which person/source first made you reconsider your position on creationism?.
) how long a period of time did it take to fully convince you?.
) what books and videos did you read and watch?.
Coded Logic
Sadly there are plenty who are still too lazy/biased/afraid to study the evidence.
But if evolution were true it would be a Scientific Theory not a . . . err wait . . . hold on a second here. . .
When did you realize evolution was true?
by Coded Logic in) which person/source first made you reconsider your position on creationism?.
) how long a period of time did it take to fully convince you?.
) what books and videos did you read and watch?.
Coded Logic
1.) How old were you?
2.) Which person/source first made you reconsider your position on creationism?
3.) How long a period of time did it take to fully convince you?
4.) What books and videos did you read and watch?
5.) How much better do you think you understand biology is now vs. before?
Coded Logic
Government is not a religion. Though some religions are governments.
Governments are an emergent property of a complex social species. People who work together are better able to survive than people who don't work together. Within any community, it's in everyone's best interest to help each other out. And when there's a destructive element to that society it's in everyone's best interest to remove that destructive element.
People aren't "in" societies. People ARE societies.
What person/persons/group is behind the rebranding of Jehovahs Witnesses
by truthseeker inwith the jw rebranding program in full swing, who do you think is behind all this?
i'm not certain the governing body came up with these ideas.
at least not the old guard which died off around 2009.. given the fairly recent articles in the kingdom ministry and watchtower about the dangers of the internet and having the latest gadget, this rebranding effort can't have been in the works for much more than three years.. the makeover is slick...very slick...and very clever.
Coded Logic
Wow, amazing how much the JW site and the Mormon site look alike. It would be really easy to confuse the two. Same color scheme and layout . . . and "bible based" BS. Mormons got the JWs one upped with the family search they can do for Genealogical and family history. Pretty slick I gotta say.
When I start a religion (to make gobs of money) I'll be sure to borrow that feature. Any one want to buy my new age woo?
An anthropologist visits a JW community in Santa María Zapotitlán, Mexico
by OrphanCrow indr. jena barchas-lichtenstein is an anthropologist who received her doctorate through ucla..
in 2013, barchas-lichtenstein submitted the paper "when the dead are resurrected, how are we going to speak to them?
": jehovah's witnesses and the use of indigenous languages in the globalizing textual community as a partial submission for her doctoral dissertation..
Coded Logic
Fascinating read. Thanks for posting and providing quotes. -
by brandnew inif getting ready means putting on a suit........ you might be a j.w.. if going out to the field has nothing to do with grass, baseball diamonds, or football ......... you might be a j.w.. please continue my friends.......i know ya got some.....; ).
Coded Logic
If you think highlighting sentences in a paragraph is "studying" . . . You Might Be A JW.
If you've ever pretended to tie your shoe while someone's giving a toast . . . You Might Be A JW.
If you're an "ordained minister" but you can't even name the twelve apostles . . . You Might Be A JW.
If you bring up the topic of beheadings during your coworkers birthday party . . . You Might Be A JW.
Do the Rank & File JW's REALLY read and understand the bible to be able to REALLY start a study with someone???
by ADJUSTMENTS ini believe the average rank & file are illiterate when it come to the bible because they are so used to using the wbats cliff notes... even though i believe the bible is a fiction novel, at least be able to explain a novel you hold is such high regard: i mean jesus!!!
Coded Logic
Ah, the good old Publications Studies - err, I mean - Bible Study. Open to page one, read paragraph one, ask the question at the bottom. Yup, I'm a Bible expert now. -
Are we heading for III World War?
by abiather inthe leaders of russia, germany, france and ukraine are slated to meet in minsk (the belarusian capital) tomorrow to discuss a ukrainian peace plan!
some countries such as hollande believe there is going to be a total war.
when they met last year in the same place, they had put forward a peace plan (a ceasefire, withdrawal of artillery, prisoner exchanges and other concessions) that were never fully implemented!
Coded Logic
I see no indications that the situation is about to escalate beyond more sanctions on Russia. THe US and EU are playing the long game and using a controlled and methodological system to slow, halt, and turn back Russia's annexation. Talk of "total warfare" is laughable.
The US and Russia are not going to have a nuclear exchange over Ukraine. As WOPR found out in the movie Wargames - the only way to win a nuclear war is by not playing.